Wet scrubbers, an emission control system, used to remove of air pollutants. It use liquid solvent, absorbent, or reagents to settle down Particulate Matter (PM), Hazardous Air Pollutants, vapours, gases, and inorganic fumes.

Wet scrubber system is used to remove harmful materials from industrial exhaust gas (flue gas) before they are released into the Atmosphere.

The flue gas is funneled through an area and sprayed with a wet substance. Raw-water is used when dust and RSPM/SPM matters is to be removed, but other recirculated liquid solutions can be added based on the properties of the constituents present in flue gas. These chemicals are chosen to specifically react with constituents.

Wet scrubbers are a special device used to remove a variety of contaminants from exhaust gas from melting furnaces or other devices. These devices use a Recirculated Scrubbing Liquid to remove the Pollutants. The exhaust gas is moved through the scrubbing liquid (usually through Packed Chamber) and the liquid is misted through the gas. Then, the Flue gas emerged(released) without the contaminants to atmosphere and Contaminants/pollutants that existed before exposure to the scrubbing liquid will be transferred from flue gas to liquid phase. When the gas is sprayed with the Liquid solution the heavier pollutants are pulled out of the gas and attach to the liquid because of its chemical composition. As the gas is passed through the sprayed mist of scrubbing liquid solution, the contaminants are attracted to the mist and left behind.

Wet scrubber is Emission control device that Manufacturing industries/DG Set use to reduce or remove pollutants from their exhaust streams. The gases are released by industrial exhaust contain several harmful solid pollutants and gaseous chemicals. GTS PROJECTS’s Wet Scrubbers filter the gas and eliminate any possible effects. GTS PROJECTS’s Wet scrubber devices clean the polluted air, flue gas from Diesel power generators and Boilers, Process gas stream from Petro chemical Industries, liquefied gas, and pollutants from an exhaust stream and help a manufacturing company to meet strict environmental standards and regulations. Using a wet scrubber within an industrial air stream system is the safest and most effective way to reduce pollution. The wet scrubber purifies the exhaust flow and discards the contaminants safely.


Packed Bed Wet Scrubber

Venturi Scrubber

Fume Extractor

Baffle Type Impingement

 Jet Venturi Scrubber

Packed Bed Cum Venturi Scrubber

Stripper Columns

Flue gas Desulfurization (FGD)


Capacity ranges from 2000 cu.m/hr to 4,00,000 cu.m/hr ;Pressure ranges from 100 mm to 1000 mm head.

Material of Construction: Systems available in SS/FRP/PP/MS EPOXY/ MS RUBBER LINED according to the applications.



Utilizing the most current packing designs to provide contact between gas and liquid streams, the Packed Bed Scrubber achieves the extremely low toxic gas discharge limits required to meet emission standards.


Energy from the high-velocity contaminated gas stream laden with sub-micron dust particles and toxic gases is used to atomize the scrubber liquid. Intense liquid/gas mixing occurs in the HE Venturi throat, scrubbing the toxic gases and encapsulating the dust in the liquid. Proprietary gas flow patterns in the separator efficiently separate the liquid droplets from the clean gas. The clean gas exits to atmosphere while the scrubber liquid is returned to the sump.


Wet scrubber chamber or packing tower, Venturi Throat portion, Manhole/handhole , Shells, heads, skirt/leg/lug/saddle supports and anchor chairs. Internal distributor /pipe, vortex breaker, baffle plate, Support for internals and other parts Water distributor and Packing Media, Mist Eliminator/ Demister Pads, Induced draft blower with motor, belt, pulley and belt guard, Air flow Capacity control equipment (VFD), Vibration isolator, Water recirculation pump, jackscrews (Optional) Spare parts and Special tools if customer required. Painting- anticorrosive Noise control Foundation and all necessary piping, instruments.


Chemical cleaning strippers/ Fume extractors are used to remove chemical constituents like acid fume or other chemical compounds present in the process gas stream. Suitable solvents are used to scrub or strip the constituent to remove from the process stream. Selection of the system depends on the raw process stream parameters test report and required percentage of removal of component, availability of space, power and discharge limits as per Statutory standards. Post treatment of the solvents will be required to extract the constituent stripped off or neutralizing the solvent or circulating medium.

Thanks & Regards



18,Ambal Nagar,

Near V.G Rao Nagar,

Ganapathy, Coimbatore- 641006

Phone: +91 9843030427

Email: enviroindia@gmail.com, 


Website: www.gtsprojects.in

GTS PROJECTS is the leading WET SCRUBBER manufacturer in India. GTS PROJECTS based at Coimbatore, having fully equipped manufacturing facility in Coimbatore and they installed wet scrubbers in varies places in INDIA (Karnataka, Maharashtra, Andhrapradesh, Telengana, Pondicherry, Kerala, Punjab, Gujarat, NCR region and exported as well.
GTS PROJECTS is the leading company dealing Design, detailed engineering, fabrication, erection, commissioning, operation and maintenance, Troubleshooting of ALL TYPES OF WET SCRUBBERS
Wet scrubbers are devices used for air pollution control and are designed to remove pollutants from industrial exhaust streams. There are various types of wet scrubber designs available, each with its own specific applications and advantages. Here are some common types of wet scrubbers:
Venturi Scrubbers: Venturi scrubbers use a narrow throat section to create high-velocity and turbulent conditions. The polluted gas stream is forced through the throat, where water droplets collide with and capture the particulate matter. Venturi scrubbers are effective for removing fine particles and can handle high-temperature and high-pressure applications.
Spray Tower Scrubbers: Spray tower scrubbers, also known as spray chambers or spray towers, rely on a series of water sprays to capture and remove pollutants. The contaminated gas stream passes through the tower, and water sprays or nozzles distribute water throughout the tower to capture particulates. Spray tower scrubbers are simple and cost-effective, primarily used for removing larger particles.
Packed Bed Scrubbers: Packed bed scrubbers consist of a tower packed with various types of packing material, such as random dumped packing or structured packing. The packing provides a large surface area for intimate contact between the gas stream and scrubbing liquid, enhancing the pollutant removal efficiency. Packed bed scrubbers are versatile and can handle a wide range of applications.
Bubble Cap Trays Scrubbers: Bubble cap tray scrubbers use a series of trays with bubble caps to create gas-liquid contact. The contaminated gas flows through the trays from the bottom, while a liquid is introduced at the top. The gas bubbles through the liquid, allowing the capture of pollutants. Bubble cap tray scrubbers are suitable for handling corrosive gases and can achieve high removal efficiencies.
Impingement Plate Scrubbers: Impingement plate scrubbers, also known as plate scrubbers or spray plate scrubbers, utilize a series of plates or trays with strategically placed spray nozzles. The gas stream is forced to change direction multiple times, promoting contact between the liquid and pollutants. Impingement plate scrubbers are effective for removing larger particulate matter.
Cyclonic Scrubbers: Cyclonic scrubbers combine the principles of a wet scrubber and a cyclone separator. The gas stream enters a cyclonic chamber, where the pollutants are separated through centrifugal force. Simultaneously, a liquid is introduced to capture and remove the separated particles. Cyclonic scrubbers are suitable for handling abrasive and high-temperature gases.
Wet Electrostatic Precipitators (WESPs): WESPs are advanced wet scrubbers that use an electrostatic charge to enhance the capture of pollutants. The gas stream passes through an ionizing section, where particulates are charged, and then enters a collection section with an oppositely charged electrode. The charged particles are attracted to the electrode and collected in a liquid. WESPs are effective for removing fine particulate matter and certain gases.
These are some of the common wet scrubber designs used in industrial applications. It's important to note that the selection of the appropriate wet scrubber design depends on factors such as the type of pollutants to be removed, gas flow rates, temperature, pressure, and other specific requirements of the application. The manufacturing of wet scrubbers typically involves fabrication using materials suitable for the specific operating conditions, such as stainless steel or corrosion-resistant alloys.
The design parameters of wet scrubber systems vary depending on the specific application and the pollutants to be removed. However, here are some common design parameters that are considered in the design process:
Gas Flow Rate: The volume or mass flow rate of the gas stream to be treated is a crucial parameter. It determines the size and capacity of the wet scrubber required to handle the gas flow effectively.
Pollutant Characteristics: The characteristics of the pollutants, such as particle size distribution, solubility, and chemical composition, play a significant role in the selection and design of a wet scrubber. These parameters determine the efficiency and type of scrubbing mechanism needed to capture and remove the pollutants effectively.
Pollutant Concentration: The concentration of pollutants in the gas stream influences the sizing and performance of the wet scrubber. Higher pollutant concentrations may require larger scrubber units or additional stages to achieve the desired removal efficiency.
Temperature and Pressure: The operating temperature and pressure of the gas stream impact the choice of materials for construction, selection of scrubbing liquid, and design considerations for heat transfer and pressure drop calculations.
Scrubbing Liquid Properties: The properties of the scrubbing liquid, such as pH, viscosity, density, and chemical composition, are essential for efficient pollutant removal. The liquid selection is based on its compatibility with the pollutants, the desired chemical reactions, and the required scrubbing efficiency.
Contact Time: The contact time between the gas stream and the scrubbing liquid is an important parameter to ensure sufficient interaction for pollutant capture. The design must account for the residence time or contact time needed to achieve the desired removal efficiency.
Pressure Drop: The pressure drop across the wet scrubber system affects the energy requirements for operation. A balance must be maintained to minimize pressure drop while achieving effective pollutant removal.
Efficiency Requirements: The desired removal efficiency for specific pollutants determines the design approach, including the selection of the appropriate wet scrubber type, operating parameters, and equipment sizing.
Safety and Environmental Considerations: The design should incorporate safety features, such as appropriate materials of construction to handle corrosive or hazardous substances. Environmental considerations include the treatment and disposal of captured pollutants and the prevention of emissions into the atmosphere.
Operational and Maintenance Considerations: The design should consider ease of operation, monitoring, and maintenance requirements. Access points, instrumentation, control systems, and ease of liquid and solid waste handling are important design considerations.
These are some of the key design parameters to consider when designing a wet scrubber system. It's essential to consult with experienced engineers and specialists to ensure that all relevant parameters are adequately addressed for a specific application.
Operation and maintenance of wet scrubber systems are crucial for ensuring their effective performance in pollutant removal. Here are some guidelines for operation, maintenance, and troubleshooting of wet scrubber systems:
Follow the manufacturer's instructions and guidelines for proper operation of the wet scrubber system.
Regularly monitor and record operating parameters such as gas flow rate, pressure drop, liquid flow rate, pH levels, and temperature.
Ensure that the scrubbing liquid is maintained at the appropriate pH level to optimize pollutant removal efficiency.
Monitor and control the liquid flow rate to maintain the desired contact time between the gas stream and the scrubbing liquid.
Regularly inspect and clean nozzles, spray headers, and distribution systems to ensure proper spray coverage and distribution.
Monitor the scrubber system for any abnormal noises, vibrations, leaks, or odors during operation.
Establish a regular maintenance schedule and follow it diligently.
Conduct routine inspections of the wet scrubber components, such as packing materials, trays, plates, mist eliminators, or other internal elements, to check for wear, corrosion, fouling, or plugging.
Clean or replace any clogged or fouled components to maintain optimal performance.
Inspect and maintain fans, motors, dampers, and other mechanical parts for proper functioning.
Regularly inspect and clean or replace filters, mist eliminators, or demisters to ensure efficient removal of particulate matter.
Check and maintain pumps, valves, and instrumentation for proper operation and calibration.
Keep records of maintenance activities, including inspections, cleaning, repairs, and replacements.
When troubleshooting wet scrubber systems, it's important to identify and address issues that may affect their performance. Here are some common troubleshooting steps for wet scrubber systems:
Inspect and Clean Spray Nozzles: Clogged or malfunctioning spray nozzles can reduce the effectiveness of the wet scrubber. Inspect and clean the nozzles regularly to ensure proper liquid distribution and coverage.
Check Liquid Flow Rate: Insufficient or excessive liquid flow can impact scrubbing efficiency. Verify that the liquid flow rate is within the recommended range and adjust as necessary. Inspect pumps, valves, and piping for any blockages or leaks.
Assess Gas Flow Rate: Ensure that the gas flow rate is within the design parameters. Changes in gas flow rates may require adjustments to the scrubber settings or the use of multiple scrubber units.
Evaluate Pressure Drop: A significant increase in pressure drop across the wet scrubber indicates a potential issue, such as clogged packing material (if applicable) or high particulate loading. Inspect and clean the packing material or consider increasing maintenance frequency.
Monitor pH Levels: pH levels of the scrubbing liquid can affect the efficiency of pollutant removal. Maintain the appropriate pH range and adjust as needed using chemical additives or controlling the liquid composition.
Examine Particulate Removal Efficiency: If the scrubber is not achieving the desired particulate removal efficiency, assess factors such as particle size distribution, liquid-to-gas ratio, or type of packing material (if applicable). Adjust these parameters accordingly or consider alternative scrubber designs.
Investigate Odor or Emission Issues: If there are odor or emission concerns, inspect the scrubber system for leaks, faulty seals, or inadequate pollutant capture. Address any identified issues promptly and consider additional treatment measures if necessary.
Analyze Instrumentation and Control Systems: Check the calibration and functionality of instruments and control systems. Ensure that sensors, actuators, valves, and alarms are working correctly to maintain proper system operation.
Consult GTS PROJECTS: If troubleshooting efforts do not resolve the issue, consult the guidelines, technical documentation, or seek assistance from GTS PROJECTS www.gtsprojects.in
It's important to note that troubleshooting steps may vary depending on the specific type of wet scrubber system and its associated components. Always prioritize safety precautions and refer to the system's documentation and guidelines for accurate troubleshooting instructions.
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